USB, LAN, SoC Oscilloscopes

Product Group
Analog Inputs - Channel Number
Analog Inputs - Bandwidth
Analog Inputs - Sample Rate
Analog Inputs - Resolution
Analog Inputs - Isolation
Analog Outputs - Frequency
Analog Outputs - Resolution
Analog Outputs - Isolation
Analog Outputs - Voltage Range
Analog Outputs - Current Ranges
Analog Outputs - Total Power
Digital Inputs - Channel Number
Digital Inputs - Type
Digital I/O - channel number
User Interface
Available Option
more filters
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4

Embedded Oscilloscopes, PC Oscilloscopes...

...can be pure printed circuit boards (for example oscilloscopes as PCI or PXI module) or PC oscilloscopes in a module housing. Among others, embedded scopes with USB or Ethernet are common. These devices do not have a front panel with operating elements and display. These tasks are performed by the software in the PC or laptop. The embedded scope module contains the pure measurement hardware. A PC is therefore always required in addition. Depending on the model, the embedded oscilloscope is supplied with power via USB or with an additional external power supply unit.

Advantage of embedded devices: Measurement data for further processing immediately available in the PC. Software can be equipped with many additional functions, upgrades extend the functions and keep oscilloscope up-to-date. Space saving in embedded applications, in test stands or in mobile applications when a laptop is already "in the bag" anyway.